Jay Leno has been "The Tonight Show" host for 22 years with a few bloopers along the way. But he made the most critical error of his career when he negotiated his last contact. And you know where I'm going with this.
Jay is a Taurus Sun in the the 2nd House of Money and Collectibles -- in his case cars. Mercury also in Taurus. Venus, exalted in loving Pisces, and Mars in exacting Virgo. No focal planets. Simple guy. Can't you tell that?
He's been in Jupiter with his Sun trining it for a little less than the last two years. A little less. His Sun moved ahead and square his predictive Mars! Holy cow! Mon Dieu! Crap! ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY NOT THE TIME TO HAVE A LONG RUNNING CONTRACT END. Jay, people in general, consult Xtrology.
Here's what's going to happen to Jay. Last night all his friends were around. He felt the love. Today, he is his own worst enemy. He has the worst of all the predictive aspects. When Mars (the ruinator) squares (the worst angle) your Sun (you), it rips your ego to pieces -- no matter how strong your ego is. It's the most difficult of all the aspects to handle. Jay, meditation, massages, vacation, church. Take care of yourself. Jay's friends, check in on him.
For a consultation, contact melanie@xtrology.com. Please visit astrology on Facebook and Twitter. We make predictions. Others don't. Can't.