Okay, this is bazaar, even for me! Take a deep breath. When Jaycee was abducted she had the magical positive Jupiter progression -- that makes people into super-stars, that answers all your dreams and that acts as protection. So why wasn't she protected?
Normally negative progressions will always trump positive ones, unless Jupiter is involved. In this case, her progressed Sun (her) was opposition (negative) Uranus (sudden events) and squaring her nodes (karma). Astrologically, a perfect explanation for a kidnapping (by someone she would later identify with). And the transiting Pluto (always necessary for a death to occur) was conjunct that same natal Uranus. So here's where the Jupiter progression came in. It kept her from dying.
If her parents had employed an astrologer at the time of Jaycee's abduction, (an astrologer that uses progressions), they would have been told that the probability of her being alive was excellent.
Jaycee also had another important element for this to happen, a focal planet (two planets oppose and one planet squares) mutable natal Jupiter. This creates people that are susceptible to brainwashing. Our focal planets always show areas of weakness. So a religious fanatic, like the one that captured her, had a young, innocent girl that could be manipulated.
A fascinating fact is that at the time of her release, that same Jupiter progression returned. Her progressed Venus retrograded and then became direct at the same exact place it was when she was kidnapped (making the same sextile to Jupiter). This time, it's protective nature, set her free. (And this could have been predicted. The position of the planets are known many years into the future.) In addition, her progressed Mercury (communication) made yet another positive aspect to Jupiter. (A security guard saw her captor handing out pamphlets and called the police.)
The only question left is how Jaycee will do now? She will be angry (Sun square Mars) and have trouble trusting relationships (Venus in Gemini). But since she's a Taurus (stable and logical by nature), she may be able to put it behind her. With her natal Mars in Leo (limelight) and her Moon in Sagittarius (honesty), she may even talk about it publicly and try to help others in similar situations.
UPDATE: Â Jaycee was recently on an episode of "20/20" and seems to be doing remarkably well.