My, my, you do wonder what men see in those things? The organ that makes you a man if not manly. Jeffrey Toobin was doing Zoom calls and in between he whipped out his dick. Now really, don't you wonder why he would even consider taking a chance like that? Well, that's exactly what astrology is for -- answering these pressing questions.
Mr. Tobin is a Gemini Sun with Mercury conjunct. His Venus is in Taurus, one of its rulers -- not the real one. But nevertheless a good placement. His Mars is in its rulership Aries with Moon conjunct. His focal planet is Uranus and that works --- a penchant for the unusual. Overall not a bad chart. But even normal people can have bad days. This is what we are dealing with here -- a momentary lapse in judgement.
Currently Jeffrey has his predictive Mars sitting on top of his natal Venus. Mars equals anger. Venus equals your love life. And the two together are your sexuality. Always watch for Mars as this planet causes nothing but trouble in predictive work. No, the definition is not that you expose yourself, but it does have to do with anger in these areas. And in the case of this man, this is how is played itself out. Is he mad at his wife? Is he frustrated sexually? Only he knows. Does he want to fuck someone outside his marriage? He will probably never tell us. Is his career over? I sort of doubt it. He works for The New York Times and CNN. It doesn't get bigger than that. He's at the top of his career. Most men would show up for work drunk. This is self-destructive behavior and we all have done it at one time or another.
For now, he's fried. But this aspect will pass and so will this incident. I say in time he will be back. Maybe not where he is now, but back. I recommend he high tail it to a sexual treatment center -- claim sexual addiction. We will forgive him.
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