We see this is a lot of stars. Jenna feels unloved and unlovable (focal planet mutable Venus). So these people will do anything for attention -- even negative attention. In Pisces, it is exalted so she can love people even if she doesn't believe they love her. Then add the Moon in its detriment in Scorpio and you get that little sexual twist.
Also Jenna is an Aries. Because Aries is the first sign, these are the babies of the universe and as such they act like children, naive and sometimes stupid.
She has two other focal planets, one is mutable Mercury. All mutable focal planets are restless and sort of live in the moment. In this position, she lacks common sense and isn't very spiritual since there is little or no depth. Finally mutable Jupiter is self-promotion and a person always looking outside themselves to find happiness.
Right now her chart is negative Mercury (words) squaring (bad) Jupiter (tendency to over-do) and her progressed Sun (herself) probably opposing (bad) Â her Moon (feelings) (the Moon is the planet most likely to be at the wrong degrees when the time of birth isn't available). Transiting Pluto is currently square her natal Pluto. Even though this is generational (anyone born around this time will have this), it's still Pluto, and Pluto is still death.
This may surprise you, but Jenna has a really bad temper with her natal Mars conjunct Saturn and part of her T-Square (two planets oppose and one or more planets square),
So, Jenna, behave yourself. No fighting with a martial arts expert (Tito Ortiz, her boyfriend). You are in a period where bad things can happen.