Jerry Sandusky, a former Penn State coach, is accused of the most heinous crime, pedophilia. I noticed a very curious similarity in his chart to Casey Anthony's. Also interesting is they both made "The Most Hated People In America" list. Each has a Mars/Uranus/Saturn conjunction. A Mars/Saturn person has issues with the father. And despite, a conjunction, both of these planets are malefic (negative). Their fathers inhibited early sexual expression according to Betty Lundsted between the ages of 0-3. Add the twisted energy of Uranus (also malefic) and you've got a freak -- a sex freak since Mars represents your sexual energy. How this manifests will be different according the the sex of the person and the other elements of the chart. But both these people ended up on trial for harming a child. Casey was found not guilty of killing her daughter due to her favorable Jupiter period. But this will not be the case for Sandusky.
Jerry Sandusky is an Aquarius Sun with Moon also in that sign. Chilly. Venus in Sagittarius often wants love relationships to also be friends. Mercury in the restrictive sign of Capricorn (ruler of Saturn) creates someone who communicates in a stern manner. And finally, of the five personal planets, Mars is in the air sign of Gemini. Three planets in air of the personal planets and you've got a cool character without much warmth.
Currently Jerry Sandusky has predictive Mars square Neptune. Mars is the most destructive of the progressed planets, and Neptune in a negative aspect is secrets. His secrets will rip his life apart. Sounds fair.
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UPDATE1: Sandusky was found guilty. He'll be in jail for the rest of his life.