Whoa! This is a negative chart. How on earth will this play out? Has anyone ever dodged a bullet this big? I've never seen it. Negative aspects produce negative events. Jessica Simpson should fasten her seatbelt.
This is a sensitive, family-oriented Cancer girl. Mercury conjunct her Sun. Her Moon in Gemini (smart) conjunct Venus, (cold and untrusting) (neither of these feeling planets is particularly happy with chilly and analytical Gemini). Mars in Virgo, very precise. Mutable Jupiter is a focal planet. You would normally expect her to be the member of a cult rather than becoming her own cult, but somewhere in there is a culture she identifies with. Mutable Saturn also a focal planet. No surprise here, she's ambitious. And focal planet Mutable Mars? She's a bulldozer. None of this particularly bad. A little hedging on the truth at times -- Neptune opposition Moon. But I'm a fan.
A lot of good fortune has been given to Jessica. So what happens when the Universe hands her a tricky hand? Lets start with predictive Mars square natal Sun/Mercury. The worst of the predictive aspects. It usually has a very negative effect on your sense of self -- your ego. Also with Mercury also involved, bad publicity. There's been a little of that with the Weight Watcher's ads. Not that much, though. Mars is the shredder. Also predictive Mars conjunct Pluto. Three predictive Mars aspects? I would be in the closet crying.
Coming (another year) is predictive Sun square Uranus. It's going to be a big surprise. And sitting on her Nodes? Karma. No reason at all to think it's positive. Is the Universe waiting for the big package. Not usually. And I do believe I have her correct chart. Houses involved? The 1st (herself), the 3rd (communications, brother & sisters, short trips), the 4th (family), the 12th (secrets, karma). There is that little rumor about her father being gay. Is her empire crumbling from the inside out? Given the extreme negativity of these aspects, I would be concerned someone is going to die. Transiting Pluto is not in orb yet of an opposition to her Sun. But it will be in a little more than a year.
My advice to all around her? Behave. Dangerous behavior is ill-advised at this time. If Jessica can out-maneuver this, we all need to drink HER Kool Aid.
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