While John Edwards waits for the verdict in the law suit against him. Let's take a look at how the knowledge of his astrology chart could have saved him from his miserable life.
We know, using the Xtrology method of predictions, that John was not going to be elected President of The United States in 2008. We know this because early that year his predictive Mars squared his natal Venus. (Obama was in Jupiter. No one running could beat him). That would also have made his affair with Reille Hunter, even though it began in 2007, a bad idea -- regardless. Venus is people you love and a predictive Mars square is the most destructive aspect in predictions. It takes your life and rips it into little pieces -- so cheating on your wife? -- especially ill advised. His child, born February 27, 2008, was the crash in an otherwise charmed life.
All this was set against the background of Elizabeth Edwards and her epic battle with cancer. She announced it had returned on March 2007. If John had knowledge of the aspects ahead, he could have given up running for president and devoted himself to her. With Mars square Venus coming up, there were extreme difficulties ahead. It would not have been an easy time -- negative aspects never are. But the public would have seen him as a hero and not the scoundrel we see him as now.
Elizabeth lost her battle December 2010 -- just as John's chart moved out of the negative aspect and into predictive Venus sextile Venus -- makes one wonder how devastating her death was to him. If he loves Reille, the worst was over. Predictive Mars was also sextile his natal Moon. If he doesn't love Reille, he made a big mess of his life -- hurting all the Venus people around him -- his wife, his children, his mistress, his new baby, the people who supported him in the campaign -- a trail of unnecessary wreckage.
Currently he is on trial for inappropriate use of campaign funds -- funds that were channeled to Reille. He's not going to get to add criminal to his list of incredibly stupid things. With predictive Mars sextile natal Jupiter coming up in September, it's very unlikely he'll be spending any time in prison -- other than the one he's created for himself -- the one that astrology could have helped him avoid.
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UPDATE1: It was a mistrial. Unlikely they will re-file the charges. John Edwards is free.