It seems a lot is happening around Aquarius these days. Among our Aquarian friends is John Hughes. He had that lucky, lucky natal conjunction of Jupiter to his Sun, so we would expect that he led a somewhat charmed life.
Add that to his natal Moon in Pisces (they see everything the way they want to see it) and you get very imaginative guy. He told a friend the reason he left Hollywood was because he was afraid of the influence it would have on his kids, and that it killed his friend, John Candy. That's a Pisces Moon, since John Candy's weight probably was the real reason.
The lunar full Moon eclipse (completion) on August 5th at 13 degress Aquarius fell on his natal Jupiter which was being squared by his progressed Mercury (short trips). The transiting Pluto (death) was opposing his natal Uranus (all things sudden).
The day of his departure that little group of transiting planets, Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune that are conjunct in Aquarius were sitting on his Sun. Again, this lends something spiritual to his unexpected passing. Possibly just that he was pleased with what he accomplished. (See "Walter Cronkite.")