Can you be turning sixty-six years old and still be successful? You bet you can if your progressed Sun trines your natal Jupiter. It's the same aspect that made Obama president.
Needless to say, Joy Behar's show will have the success that Lou Dobbs did not. It's all in the horoscope. And, wow, did you see the party thrown in her honor -- tons of celebrities -- hosted by Barbara Walters!
There is talk of a feud between Joy and Elizabeth Hasselbeck. Nothing going to happen there. Despite Joy's great new aspect, Elizabeth was born with a Sun Jupiter conjunction and has sailed right on through a progressed Mars square and a progressed square to her natal Moon -- and ton's of naysayers on the Internet. She continually shoots herself in the foot with kooky pseudo Republican rants, but always comes out smiling. Okay, there might be a little denial going on or we're not really in on the day-to-day information, but on some level Jupiter protects. While I would advise Elizabeth that the political dialogue does nothing to promote her real talent in fashion design, guess she doesn't have to follow the rules the rest of us follow.
We'll see what happens to her when her Sun squares Pluto in 2012, because even these lucky people eventually take things too far. Want to find out if and when you are going to be lucky? Please leave a comment, and I'll get back to you.