A man. A man telling you, you can't get an abortion. No plan B? A gay man. Yes, I don't really know that. He doesn't live with Kim or does he? But that's all you hear around here. Here being Hollywood. His boyfriend's name is Ricardo or is it? So another completely crazy voice out there. One who has zero integrity. We're going to stand for this?
I get that in order for Hollywood to be Hollywood, there has to be a certain amount of glitz. But come on. I'm just asking that it stay reasonable. Kanye West has dropped another "album." I never understood him. But I have black friends that think he is genuinely talented. Sorry, no comment from white friends. Or is he just appealing to his base? Sound familiar?
Kanye West, don't we all have a bi-polar friend -- they keep it interesting -- is a Gemini with Jupiter conjunct adding that element of luck. His Moon is in Pisces so he is not bound by the facts and the compassion is real. But it's also a focal planet with the emotional element exaggerated.
Currently he has Venus sitting on his Jupiter soon to be replaced with Venus square his Moon. Feast. Then famine. In the meantime, shut up. Just shut up.
For a private consultation, contact melanie@xtrology.com. And please visit Xtrology on Facebook and Twitter. Also Instagram at xtrology_of_hollywood.
UPDATE: Tonight on James Corden, Kanye took credit for showing people how to be married. That's a stretch. Then something about his $65,000,000 tax rebate being because he is spiritual. I don't even believe he makes that much money. But the real issue here is Kanye is mental. I need to stop judging him and ask that he find help. Praying for Kanye.