Kathy Griffin, a successful comedian who likes to push the edge has fallen off a cliff this week. Her latest statement is a picture of herself holding Trump's severed head. It is also very much the work of the artist, Tyler Shields, who is not getting his fair share of the credit. I saw it. It didn't move me much. I didn't like it, but I did remember all the out-of-bounds comments from our president and decided he had lost his right to criticize. But others are more critical including CNN who fired Kathy from her annual New Year's Eve gig in Times Square. She's paying a big price for questionable artistic message.
What does her astrology chart say about this? Could it have been avoided? (Well, yes.)
Kathy is a Scorpio, and who but a Scorpio places their entire career in jeopardy over a not-so-funny-joke and a mean one at that. Death rules Scorpio. It's part of their experience. Her Mercury is also in Scorpio so the devil shows up again. Her Moon is in Gemini making her too smart to make this mistake, but I've seen her do it before. She can't help herself.
Currently Kathy has her predictive Sun square natal Neptune. That means a lie or deception is afoot. Could it be that Kathy didn't assume she would be out there all by herself to take the heat? She also has her predictive Moon inconjunct her Mercury. That's one's reputation. Therefore, this was not the time to do this. Get an astrologer, Kathy. This is what we do. We warn our clients about the timing of their actions. What you can get away with one time, you can't another. Ever noticed that? Ever wondered why?
I did. It drove me crazy. One day everything is perfect, the next your life is in the toilet. You, however are the same person. You didn't change in one day. This is what astrology is and specifically what Xtrology is, because Xtrology is the only program that accurately can make these predictions. Hence almost eight years of blogging to prove my theory.
I'm considering doing a Kickstarter. And I'm hoping that some of my readers will be a part of the team that creates a computer program where you can have your predictions printed for less than half what I charge to read you in person. It will be a ton of work, but I really want it to happen since I won't be around forever to do personal charts. So just throwing this out there right now. Think about it. I'll need your money and your support -- for which you'll be on the ground floor of this unique system. And, of course, there will be free charts along the way -- maybe forever. Have to think about that...
For a private session, contact melanie@xtrology.com. And please visit Xtrology on Facebook and Twitter.