When you have this in your chart -- you're going to be pissed at something. And Katie Holmes has it. She's had it for awhile -- even worse -- because it builds. And then there's the karma factor.
Tom Cruise is has Sun in Cancer. His Moon and Venus are in the show-off sign of Leo. Mercury in intellectual and cool-as-a cucumber Gemini. Mars in Taurus. Focal planets are Mercury -- cold, due to it's lack of gender neither male or female, and Mars --ruthless determination especially in a fixed sign. Don't mess with Tom. He's rich, doesn't give a damn, and he's determined. But here's the problem: Scorpio rising. I could write a book on this affliction. Joking. Not really. Scorpio rising people won't listen to anyone. Nada. None of them take advice from anyone. It's kill or be killed-- their way or the highway. It's control at it's worst. They have no idea what the word compromise means.
Katie is a Sagittarius with Mercury there. Moon in Leo conjunct his Moon/Venus. She also has Leo rising. A big connection for them. Leo is showbiz. Venus in Scorpio in it's detriment and Mars in exalted Capricorn. Giving her the most problems is Moon conjunct Jupiter. She over-relates. He (with Jupiter in his T-square) under-relates. This could be navigated if he would listen.
Katie's currently has predictive Mars conjunct predictive Sun. Mars in a predictive aspect makes you angry. She also has Predictive Venus square Saturn. Venus is people you love, and Saturn is restrictions. She's over it. She doesn't want to be bossed around anymore. When she filed for divorce she did the same thing Tom did to Nicole Kidman -- Katie's Moon and Jupiter in the 12th House of Karma. She's feeling Nicole's pain. And with Venus in Scorpio -- she can dish it out. Just because she doesn't look or act like Scorpio? Falls and detriments are where you can get nasty.
Look for a slug fest. Tom was born controlling. Katie is living there temporarily.
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