I got so burned on Kim Kardashian and her star-turn decision to divorce (a man I think is perfect for her) that I declined to blog my negative feelings about Katy Perry's marriage to Russell Brand. What is impossible to predict is the crazy moves people make. But I knew something was up with this marriage when I saw Russell's chart.
Katy Perry is in the enviable Jupiter cycle -- her predictive Venus is conjunct Jupiter so she was in love. Scorpio's do everything with passion and commitment. What they're not so good at doing is expressing their feelings. As water signs, they feel, but they are also extremely secretive. If you've ever been in a relationship with a Scorpio, you know what I'm talking about. They make plans, but fail to tell you until the last minute. With four other planets in the same sign, Moon (in its fall), Mercury, Saturn and Pluto, it's difficult to read her. The planets are fixed (stubborn) and with no focal planets, she's focused. She knows what she wants.
Russell is a Gemini with Mercury in Gemini (Mercury always stays close to the Sun) is a mutable sign. His focal planets are Venus (doesn't feel loved or lovable) and Saturn (extremely ambitious). That last thing is what bothered me. He was getting a lot of publicity from this marriage. Would his ambition allow him to marry for the wrong reasons? His predictive Mars is inconjunct Pluto. And his predictive Sun (using the Xtrology's method of prediction) is square Jupiter. A square to Jupiter means you overdoing something, you're in trouble with the law or your reputation may suffer.
To feel bonded to your partner, it's nice to have some of your planets land on your partner's planets or vice versa. Perry has an unusual chart (you can see that in the way she presents herself) in that all her planets are in Scorpio or Sagittarius. Russell doesn't have a Scorpio planet. His Neptune is in Sagittarius where her Venus, Neptune and Uranus are located. A Neptune connection can be romantic, but it can also be deceptive. With all of Katy's Scorpio, her Venus in Sadge means she wants her husband to be her friend -- keeping in mind you have to be psychic to know what she wants.
Here's another clue to matrimonial happiness. Careful with Capricorn ascending. It's a difficult rising sign. Remembering that the rising sign brings out the most negative qualities of the sign, Saturn-ruled Capricorn is beyond restrictive and very, very often their own worst enemy. Russell's early life is a bit of a clue about that.
So I would have issued Katy Perry a note of caution. She's difficult to understand. He's just difficult. Not much in common except fame. They announced their divorce today.
UPDATE1: Â Apparently the thing Russell was overdoing was sex. Makes sense based on his past.