I'm watching The Kardashians. They're impressive to say the least. And not just the level of wealth they've accumulated but the marketing ability of Kris Jenner in a world that is all about marketing ability. Just wow! Yet there are some things really bothering me. The dysfunction. Kris supposedly has a boyfriend, but I'm just not getting the boy/girl thing going on there. And looking back to Bruce Jenner, the height of dysfunction, because she knew. I'm very familiar with the trans community and it's highly unlikely he didn't tell her from the beginning. And even if he didn't. You would have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to figure it out. So Kris, you have a beautiful new perfectionistic home, but it looks more like a matriarchal mini-cult. Where are the men?? You know, the testosterone?
So I did what I do. And that is look at her Xtrology chart. Kris is a Scorpio with Saturn (Capricorn) and Venus (Libra) conjunct. Scorpio/Capricorn is as ruthless a combo as there is. Libra softens it a bit and gives it charm. But in the House of Taurus, there is a huge emphasis on money and material possessions. Her Moon is in Cancer which is all about the family. No kidding. It's in the 10th House. This makes it also a Capricorn Moon. Mars is in debilitated Libra conjunct Mercury (Gemini) and Neptune (Pisces). There are no focal planets. But often that creates a lot of squares. This is a tough cookie chart. Virgo is rising. I like this sign rising because these people don't miss a trick, but all negative rising signs are negative and bring out the worst qualities of the sign. Then I notice something. The rising sign is the only earth sign. What does it mean when there are no planets in earth signs?
It is interesting that Robert Kardashian, her deceased ex-husband, also had no earth signs but had an earth rising sign, Capricorn. Robert was a Pisces with his Moon/Mercury and Venus in Aquarius. These last two are high-minded signs. Just from this, you could deduce that he was a decent person. And you're wondering why did he defend, O.J. Simpson, a murderer? Considering he died very young at 59, it was a soul sucking endeavor which clearly contributed to his demise. It is interesting that he died from cancer. If you have cancer, ask yourself who gave it to you, because it is a disease of pain and disappointment. But it didn't start with O.J. Something/someone was chipping away at Robert long before that. Someone much more personal.
Let's talk for a moment about passive/aggressive and the vampire aspect of Mars in Libra. It's all done with a smile but it is as vicious as being hacked to death with an ax. And it feels scary except you can't put your finger on it. There is no blood. And yet you are being drained. The pain is there if slowly but you don't realize your life is being crushed. There's something kind of sexy/intriguing about it. You're the frog in the boiling water dancing away as the temperature rises.
I cannot overemphasize how destructive a Capricorn Moon is. How most people will not survive a relationship with people who have it. There is a fundamental need to win at the cost of another's happiness. In the case of Kris Jenner, it appears to be men. I know that men with Capricorn Moons hate women, but I have never gotten that it works the other way. I'm reconsidering.
Men do not thrive in Kris' presence. I'm not the first person to notice this. But I do have the reason for it. Scorpio/Capricorn Sun. Moon in Capricorn. Mars in Libra. Drop the mike. Not only is Kris Jenner moving ahead at warp speed, she is climbing over the male bodies to do it. Robert Kardashian Sr., Kris Humphries, Robert Kardashian Jr., Lamar Odom, Bruce Jenner, Scott Disick, Kanye West. If she were a man, we would call it predatory. You're thinking that some of these people belong to her daughters. Think millions and millions of dollars. Houses far beyond most people's dreams. A lifestyle that clearly can be bought.
You know what's evil about reality shows? It requires ugliness to keep people entertained. Remember the Romans that fed gladiators to lions? And more recently Squid Game? Where are we going with this? If you heard Khloe voicing over the tour of her mother's new house and exaggerating her praises in zombie voice that gave me chills...
I guess I should mention that Kris is in a very long term Jupiter aspect. Her natal Jupiter has changed signs and it is sextiling her natal Neptune which has changed signs. It will last until the beginning of 2030. So men beware. There will be more casualties.
Look for my blog on Travis Barker, the next Kardashian victim, if Pete Davidson doesn't beat him to it. And come on, you can see this one coming, can't you?
And for a personal reading for you and your partner, please contact And please visit Xtrology on Facebook and Twitter where I do the Moon's aspect every morning. For Instagram, it's xtrology_of_hollywood. I welcome your comments and questions. What do you think about moving to Substack? Yay or nay?