I'm a big fan of Lamar. Especially after he decided to let go of the allure of a reality show. And just let me say, I was wrong about these two. I predicted they wouldn't make it through the negative aspects.
I heard someone ask the question, should you sacrifice your career for someone you love? Really that's a question? Of course, you should. It's not like Apple is asking Khloe formerly-a-Kardashian, Lamar's wife, to be their CEO. Khloe went through predictive Venus square natal Mars without so much as a whimper. Mars squares are brutal. So this young girl has her act much more together than I had surmised. She's a trooper. The square is to Venus is to someone she loves. And I thought, and it would be the logical conclusion, that it would be her relationship with Lamar. But to me, this Cancer/Scorpio (Khloe/Lamar) relationship is stronger than ever.
Lamar is going through predictive Sun opposition natal Moon. And he's unhappy. But it's just an opposition. And those can be dealt with. It usually means someone disagrees with you. In this case, it's the Lakers basketball team, because they don't seem to appreciate him. But he can work with this. It won't completely destroy him. And Khloe's more negative aspect is over. Her predictive Mercury is making a lovely trine to her Neptune. There's a lot she can be doing in the area of creativity.
All is well with this sensitive water couple. Lamar had the good sense to leave the Kardashian cult for the time being and concentrate on his basketball. And Khloe had the good sense to support her husband -- just as he should do if the same thing ever happens to her. Astrology gives you lemons. You have to make the lemonade.
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Update1: Lamar has resigned with the Laker's. Oppositions are not squares. They don't completely wreck your life. A problem is given to you and you decide how you're going to handle it.