Last night STANDING UP TO CANCER was on at least four channels. The celebration of cancer on any level just makes me nauseous. I wish my blog weren't turning into a referendum on cancer, but I can't stay silent on this subject. The message as I interpreted it was, "to make sure that every person diagnosed with cancer gets the right treatment." Instead of, "let's not get cancer" and even more important, "let's not get any disease," because they are all the same. The one you get is just the one you are most vulnerable to. I wish they had named the special STANDING UP TO HEALTH. I would have watched that.
If you get diagnosed with an illness, and you don't get the right treatment, as I've studied in astrology, there is something else going on. There is a lesson in there that you haven't learned and still need to learn -- sometimes at your own peril. But illness is always that there is something you are not taking care of mentally and/or emotionally.
I just had a medical intuitive reading, a blood test and Lifeline Screening (I completely and totally recommend this). I'm always trying to figure out what I can improve, because staying healthy is critical to success.
So instead of becoming part of the cancer culture (I don't want to be around any atmosphere that repeats the word cancer like a mantra), I watched SHUTTER ISLAND, a movie about damaged brains. Dr. Drew recently said something I've never heard before. He said that a mistreated child's brain can be damaged, and that's why people in drug rehab have so much trouble getting themselves back together. They are physically as well as mentally damaged, and it's not their fault in the same way that cancer is in adults. Cancer is not brain damage.
You know that thing that they say that cancer touches everyone. I don't know people with cancer. One ex-friend of mine just got it at the age of 40, but I had already decided that her energy was too negative for me to be around. She has an extreme case of passive/aggressiveness. When she got the diagnosis I said to her, "let's make a list of everyone you are angry with, and we'll burn it." And she said, "I'm not angry with anyone."
So back to SHUTTER ISLAND. I totally recommend this film. I have never understood the Martin Scorsese thing. But this film is the film for which he should have won the Academy Award. And Leonardo DiCaprio I have always liked. I live just down the street from the house he grew up in. Except that now, it's a library that Leonardo paid for anonymously. So I've always been curious about him knowing about the generosity of this gift. It's a beautiful little library on the corner of Franklin Avenue and Hillhurst.
Leonardo is a Scorpio with his Sun, Venus and Mars in Scorpio in the 2nd House of Money. With Libra rising and a Libra Moon, he should run for office, because he's devastatingly charming. But here's the catch. With so much Scorpio secrecy and Libra charm, what you're seeing is not what you're getting. And because these two signs are next to each other on the astrological wheel, they are jammed up giving him no focal planets since there are no oppositions. (If I haven't said it lately, I get my astrology info on astrotheme.com -- love that site -- it's French. And I'm not angry because France didn't help us with the War -- really an occupation-- In Iraq).
It is said, you can use the Ascendent/Descendent as an opposition to get a focal planet. That would make Jupiter, the following-cults focal planet. Martin Scorsese is sort of a cult. And the other possibility is using the nodes to make an opposition (they are always north and south). This would make Saturn, ambition, his focal planet. His natal Saturn does square all his Libra planets, Moon, Mercury, Uranus and Pluto. As Saturn is restriction, this is further confirmation, he is not going to be sharing any time soon.
Bottom line on Leonardo, he doesn't want us to know what he's really up to, and we don't know. And currently he has no progressed planets making an aspect so he's operating only on free will. His progressed Mercury will conjunct his progressed Sun, but not much should come of that. So, my advice to Leonardo, Los Feliz needs a tennis court.