Can you tell if someone is a liar by looking at their natal astrology chart? Ah, yeah. Look to Neptune (deception, delusion in a negative aspect).
Armstrong is a Virgo Sun with Pluto (tried to control everything. You can't breathe around these people), the Moon and Mercury conjunct. When planets sit next to each other they take on each other's characteristics. For example Lance's Virgo Sun would have a Scorpio (Pluto) influence, a Cancer (Moon) influence and a Gemini (Mercury) influence. (And the other planets, too take that on.) We're talking a heavy, heavy Sun which is then squared (along with the other conjunct planets) by Neptune and Jupiter. That negative 90 degree angle from Neptune creates a big 'ole liar. The negative Jupiter means he doesn't relate to other people's needs.
Big liar, Lance Armstrong. Possibly a sociopath. There were lies in his interview with Oprah last night. He just cannot help himself. He also has a Grand Air Trine so he's really, really smart -- the worst kind of fabricator. When Lance Armstrong said he knew, every time that he was going to win, does that mean his teammates were not "allowed" to win. Wanna bet?
He also has a very long term predictive outer planet configuration, Neptune sextile Pluto (which has changed signs). This gives him the opportunity to make a big difference on a grand scale. Now let's see if he will use his fame to help someone other than himself. And, no, I don't count his charity which is just more self-glory.
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UPDATE1: Lance's charity, LIVESTRONG, is now being called LIVESTRONG. Funny.