Lindsey Lohan was just in a car accident on PCH in Santa Monica -- a collision with a 18-wheeler. Lindsey, you need to be very careful right now. Your astrology chart is nothing short of scary. This is a death chart (meaning a death could take place). Apparently, she walked away from this one.
Lindsey, our favorite bad girl, has a Cancer Sun -- she's more sensitive than she appears. Moon and Mars in exalted signs, Taurus and Capricorn, respectively. Venus and Mercury in limelight-loving Leo. One of her focal planets is Mercury -- neither male or female by nature -- so she's a cool character. The other, which I think is the most telling, is Venus -- doesn't feel loved or lovable.
Her negative aspects are predictive Sun (you) square Pluto (the death planet). And predictive Venus (things & people you love) square Uranus (accidents). Not surprising, the car is totaled. And just to make matters worse, transiting Pluto is in her 8th House of Death (Pluto's house). She should definitely look for signs of concussion and long-term consequences. This is not a chart you play around with. This chart must be taken quite seriously -- caution on every level.
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