Lindsey Lohan is yet another star that can't get enough love. With Venus as a focal planet (her Pluto in Scorpio opposes her Moon in Taurus and both are squared by her Venus in Leo), her constant quest for attention and her inability to feel she deserves it, has driven her into a state of disrepair.
With four planets at 4 degrees, when her progressed Sun moves to 4 degrees, her Mercury will be conjunct, her Pluto will be square, her Neptune will be inconjunct and her Saturn will be trine. This is a seriously negative chart. With Pluto involvement, someone could die. As in the case of Farrah Fawcett, Lindsey is not in this negative space now. She has time (about a year) to fix whatever is wrong. However, once this chart kicks in, it will be much harder to overcome and there is the possibility of death.
So her father has every reason to be concerned. Let's hope he figures out how to reach her or someone else close to her does. We don't want another Hollywood tragedy that doesn't have to happen. There is enough time to save Lindsey.