I have a client/friend who is all up into Magi Astrology. But I didn't have time to thoroughly check it out -- until today when I noticed it on, Robert Camp's site for his book, "Destiny Cards." I know his system of prediction as Sacred Symbols dating back to the Egyptian period. And I use it in addition to astrology because it definitely has merit. Robert Camp has written the definitive book. I totally recommend it. However, I also noticed some affiliation with Magi Astrology on his site. I do not know what the connection is to him, but it made me curious if this system of prediction works.
Magi brags they are "the world's largest and wealthiest astrological organization." Their example to prove their theory is the night Monica Lewinsky first had sexual contact with Bill Clinton, the President of the United States, at the time. Magi Astrology has some cute terminology that I wish I had thought of. But here's the problem. According to them, Monica was in a double Cinderella period that night. Didn't Cinderella live happily ever after?
Monica is a Leo with Venus also in Leo and two natal focal planets (a square planet to two opposing planets) her Moon in Taurus (which is fixed so that as the focal planet the feelings are overly sensitive -- despite its exaltation in Taurus -- but held in). The second focal planet is Mercury defined as someone who isn't in touch with what motivates them and a very critical nature. Mercury is your reputation so in a negative aspect, it is slander and gossip -- among the other things it rules.
The night in question Monica had predictive Venus (using Xtrology's method of prediction based on secondary progressions -- for sure not the largest or wealthiest) sextile (good) her natal Mercury. Any positive aspect to Venus will cause a person to fall in love. And she did.
Unfortunately, her natal Saturn had gone out-of-sign to square predictive and natal Pluto from the 9th House of Law to the 12th House of Karma. Ouch! This aspect will last a long time. Her predictive Mercury was opposition predictive Jupiter-- things getting overblown, and, again, Jupiter AKA the 9th House of Law. Her predictive Mars was inconjunct natal Pluto -- two planets that can create havoc. If that wasn't scary enough, the transiting Neptune and Uranus were opposition her natal Mercury keeping in mind natal Mercury is already problematic. Her little Venus aspect didn't stand a chance.
But you decide. Is this Cinderella times two or is this a nightmare to infinity?
UPDATE: March 20, 2015 Monica Lewinsky stated, "I was the most humiliated person in the world."
UPDATE2: April 1, 2015 Monica Lewinsky said, "I fell in love with my boss."
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