And she's going to beat it. The only negative is her progressed Mars inconjunct Neptune. It could even be a mistaken diagnosis because Neptune is always about untruths. Also the transiting Pluto is conjunct her progressed Mercury, but it won't stay there long (because it's a transit). Transiting Pluto is also square her natal Mercury in Libra in the 6th House of Health. This was why she got cancer, but I don't think it is serious enough to put her in great danger -- just a lot of stuff that isn't much fun.
Martina also has a Libra Sun, but at 25 degrees (that's 20 degrees higher than Pluto), it's out of orb. The fact that it opposes her Moon (rules cancer the disease), means that cancer is foretold in her chart. But for now, it should be a positive result.
Her progressed Moon in Pisces and in the 12th House of Hospitals is just about to finish an inconjunct to her Neptune. There's that Neptune thing again. I'd want a second opinion.