Classic astrology. Why didn't I predict this? Megan Fox got married at the end of her progressed Venus trine her progressed Jupiter. I had run her chart last year and apparently, fell asleep. Venus is love and Jupiter is all things that are good. So she married for all the right reasons. Brian Austin Green apparently makes her happy.
Megan is a sensible Taurus so she wasn't acting on impulse. If you know any Taurus' you know this pretty much isn't possible. Her Venus is in the untrusting sign of Gemini so it took some time for her to trust Brian. But here's the problem. The progressed Jupiter aspect is over with all the protection that comes with it. And that means the negative aspects kick back in leaving her with progressed Sun square Jupiter. So money could be a problem, and she is the main bread winner. And her progressed Venus is opposition her progressed Mars. Venus is your love life and anything that has to do with Mars is angry, violent, destructive. So it's not looking too good for the future of this couple.
Brian is a Cancer which is a good combination with Taurus. But he has a Capricorn Moon in it's fall. I've mentioned this before, but I really don't like this Moon placement. Never overlook a planet which is in an incompatible sign. Moon energy and Saturn (Capricorn) energy don't work together well. It creates a person who will never be normal and well-adjusted -- and they have an inclination towards meanness. His Saturn has progressed of it's natal sign into Cancer where it squares progressed Pluto (which has moved 1 degree in 37 years so it won't be going anywhere anytime soon). Brian also has a natal Grand Cardinal Square which automatically gives him four focal planets and since two planets are in Libra, five focal planets: the Sun, Moon, Mars, Uranus and Pluto. For me, this is enough negativity to advise Megan not to marry him.
With Megan's chart hitting a negative cycle, and Brian's chart negative natally and currently, something is going to go terribly wrong. No Capricorn Moon man is going to like his wife surpassing his career. Women are always their downfall. And he has taken on a global sex symbol. So if one wants to be obliterated, Megan was a good choice. But that's the other thing about Capricorn Moon men, they don't think women can outsmart them. Hence, the fall from grace due to a woman. Watch for fireworks in the future. Transiting Pluto is exactly conjunct Megan's Neptune so she's being deceived. Wonder how?