Deal or No Deal? Now signed with WME, Can They Resurrect Her Career?
She’s been upgraded but is still pitching for Tinsel Town. Megan Markle showed up to speak for the Ms. Foundation Gala, “Women of Vision.” I thought she looked great in her Oscar-like gown. But she didn’t look regal. This is hardcore Hollywood publicity. Nothing subtle about it.
Should we thank William Morris Endeavor? Who I worked for briefly in my twenties when it was just William Morris? Where I was told I was making too much of a commotion and to tone it down. So I started sneaking up and down the back stairs. Still a client got “obsessed” with me, and got me fired. Okay, I dated him for awhile. But I was there long enough to get the gist of what agencies like that do for clients. The answer: Anything.
They had, not one car, but a caravan of black SUVs which apparently were rented from Hertz. All to give the impression that this was a really important person. And the question remains. Important for what?
I have to give it to narcissists. They can keep going when any normal person would feel the shame of being obliterated daily in the press. Only a narcissist can stand this kind of humiliation and flash a megawat smile like nothing in the world is more important than they are — all while telling your husband, I’ve got this.
Okay. Bad enough? No. There’s more. And it’s a whopper. The Prince of England and his Duchess wife put out a story that they were chased for two hours, with near catastrophic consequences through the streets of Manhattan by paparazzi. My first thought when I heard this was — you can’t be chased if the car isn’t moving. Stop the car.
And the other obvious fact is that New York has legendary traffic. You’re more likely to be sitting in it than speeding through it.
And finally, you posed for pictures which are all over the internet. Do the paps need a picture of you and Harry sitting in the backseat of a taxi with — oh yeah, they switched into a taxi because, I’m still a little vague on that — your mother?
Pretty unbelievable. And yet TMZ, who I had a little respect for, took a deep dive and gave this story their all. Including the part, which wasn’t this the point all along, comparing it to Princess Diana’s death? Megan, it’s your husband’s mother. This sullies the memory of Diana. Is anyone this desperate, Gloria Steinem, or this clueless?
I did wonder what this twosome would come up with now that no one else in the Royal Family is dying and the coronation is over. And weren’t they “fired” by Sunshine Sachs for not paying their bills — something like that. Will WME really stand by them when there isn’t any money coming in to take their 10%?
Megan currently has her progressed Sun square natal Neptune. That’s lies and deception. The Entertainment Industry is also ruled by Neptune. This is a negative aspect. Pluto, during its short stay in Aquarius, is also sitting on her karmic nodes. She is paying a lot of money to stay in the news. Anyone and I do mean anyone can continue this high profile lifestyle as long as they can afford it. And the more awful, the better. What did WME promise her? Because they do that. She’s no longer royal, so she could go back to acting. I’m sure she considers that beneath her, but she has a prince to support. Attention from publicity is easy. Attention from your work, is, well, work.
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