Okay, some men don't. But an Aquarius with Venus in Aquarius. I'm shocked Ashton Kutcher lasted this long. I have a special affection for Aquarius men, but watch the ones with Venus in Aquarius. It's not a good placement period, but especially bad if your Sun sign is also in a chilly air sign. They have a really difficult time with commitments. Your Venus will always be in your sign or the sign in front or back of you (with very few exceptions). So an Aquarius man will have his Venus in Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces (where it is exalted).
Ashton also has an Aquarius stellium (four planets in the same sign). Did I say too much air? His Jupiter and Pluto are also in air signs. And this is important -- no earth signs at all unless his rising sign is earth. Maybe you've noticed, he's smart.
And just to make this much more complicated, his focal planet (two planets oppose and the focal planet squares both) is, you guessed it, Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius. The definition of this is, well, you know it's going to include unstable. It's also "socially explosive" which perfectly fits with his Twitter base -- how many millions? These people can over-load easily, but they are also interested in humanitarian reform. He's magnetic and a little out-of-control. But I have to admire him up to this point. He's really pulled it off.
And especially when his wife is a Scorpio -- the sign that squares Aquarius. You won't see many of these relationships because the energy between these signs is incompatible. There is no natural affinity. Yes, always, Elaine. So what's up with that? I have no idea. But I can tell you this Grand Fixed Square girl (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) knows adversity, and it won't throw her. She'll deal with it accordingly.
As Demi Moore is going into a Jupiter period, what she wants she will get. So it's entirely up to her. This is going to pretty much mirror the Sandra Bullock situation. Without all the publicity, this would go away. It will totally depend on how embarrassed Demi gets. I'm finding that's hard to predict. I still think Sandra will be sorry she tossed Jesse away. Remember, once these bad boys are gone, you've got to replace them. Why not just fix them? Or at least give it a try. However, and this is huge, these two are square. What I want to know is how they got together? What is driving this union?
Demi, with seven focal planets, is uber-complicated. It would take someone like Ashton to keep up with a woman whose needs are vast. He's super-smart and quick on his feet. But he isn't getting any younger. Long term for this couple? Only a miracle.