The planet Mercury will retrograde on September 7, 2009 the sign of Libra, 6 degrees going backwards until it reaches Virgo at 21 degrees on September 29th where it stations (stops) and goes direct.
If you are a Libra born September 23 to 30, Mercury will conjunct your Sun. If you are a Virgo, born September 14th to 22nd, Mercury will conjunct your Sun, too. And if you are near these dates, it will be in orb of your Sun.
Additionally, we have transiting Saturn conjuncting people born September 16 - 19 and in orb of those born around those dates. And the Sun is currently in Virgo. Therefore it is possible if you are a Virgo (Mercury is ruled by Virgo), you will have Mercury, Sun and Saturn conjunct your Sun. And if you are Pisces, these planets will oppose you (bad). Gemini (also ruled by Virgo) and Sagittarius will be squared (bad). Any planets in your chart in these signs will also be aspected.
This may seem unfair to Virgo's who have had Saturn (restriction) in their sign for 2 1/2 years. Good news. October 30, it moves to Libra.
So the people mentioned above are the most affected by this transit especially the signs ruled by Mercury. However, a Mercury retrograde is an equal opportunity transit and has certain astrological limitations for everyone.
During this time, don't sign contracts, don't start new businesses, don't communicate if that can be avoided. Errors can occur. Mail gets lost. People get parking tickets or show up late for appointments. Things break down.
Stick to tasks that start with the prefix "re" such as remodel, repair, research, redefine. It is an excellent time to do those things.