Michael Douglas is a Libra and a very early one at 2 degrees. So that nasty T-square (two planets oppose and one planet squares both) is hitting him just as it did Fantasia. The only difference is that Michael also has progressed Mars square.
First the transits: Pluto is still in early degrees of Capricorn, because Pluto is a slow transiting planet. And because it is currently retrograding. So on the day Michael Douglas' cancer was announced Pluto was at 2 degrees conjunct his natal Moon (cancer the disease is ruled by the Moon) exactly square his 2 degree Libra Sun which is conjunct his natal Libra Neptune and the transiting Saturn, also in Libra. Even though Uranus has retrograded from Aries back into Pisces, Jupiter is still in early Aries. Aries and Libra oppose each other and Pluto squares them both. In the almost twenty years I've been doing astrology, this is one of the worst transiting configurations I've seen. Rarely do the outer planets (because they move so slow) change signs at the same time and then four at once (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto)?
Add to this a progressed Venus square his natal Mars and you know you've got trouble. Could he die with this chart? He definitely could. And even if that is not the outcome (and it doesn't have to be), he will, in my astrological opinion, not be feeling very good for quite some time. We'll know just how well he is doing if Michael is able to do publicity for his new movie, Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps. Currently, it is planned that he will have eight weeks of chemo and radiation for throat cancer.
With four focal planets (which are on that same cardinal axis, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn), Michael is a complicated guy with needs that are hard to satisfy. His focal Sun makes him narcissistic, focal Venus causes him to need more than a little attention to feel loved, focal Mars makes him driven and focal Neptune allows him to overlook what he doesn't want to see. He seems to have found the perfect mate in Catherine Zeta Jones (who shares his birthday which in astrology is only the Sun). His Moon is also in that dodgy sign of Capricorn where it never allows the native complete peace. So if you're thinking that Michael Douglas has had it easy, you would be wrong. He has definitely had his share of struggles. And now he's getting another. Good luck to Michael and his family. I can assure you they are quite worried at this time.
A line from Michael's new movie, "Easy to get in, hard to get out."