Miranda Lambert is a Scorpio, and, seriously, don't mess with Scorpios! That tail will sting you. Actually she has four planets in Scorpio so she has a stellium. But her Moon is in nasty old Capricorn (The Moon doesn't like Capricorn). And here's a Sandra Bullock move and how it could get nasty. Capricorn, likely, she won't do it in public. But behind the scenes, Blake Shelton, her now husband, will feel the pain. With this Scorpio/Capricorn combo, she won't go down easily. In a lot of ways, she's too much for him to handle. Cheating men often are weak men. Kick them to the corner.
And then there's the fact, she's in positive Jupiter. Notice all those awards she's been getting? This is her time and no one is going to get in her way.
To contact Melanie for a private consultation, email melanie@xtrology.com. And please join Xtrology on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Instagram.