I'm getting older but not necessarily wiser. Actually lazier. I thought, don't kill yourself doing all these charts. Wait until there are just a few candidates left. So I did that. And apparently my bias led me to not do Pete Buttigieg's chart at all. I thought no one in the midwest is going to vote for a gay man. I openly said we are not ready. Sometimes you do just love being wrong.
Pete Buttigieg is the earth sign Capricorn which rules that 10th House of Career. Capricorns are the goat climbing the rocky mountain. Tough as nails. His Mercury is in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius along with his Venus. His Moon is in the truthful sign of Sagittarius. Mars is in Libra is not a great placement -- very passive/aggressive. This is his only true weakness. He keeps his anger inside. Right now I'm onboard with a president S(ing)TFU -- you know what I mean. There are no focal planets. And he has Virgo rising, a sign I like because they are smart, and they miss nothing. He has two loaded houses, the 2nd House of Money and the 3rd House of Communication. He's not crazy or weird. He's a regular person. Why he wants this job I don't know.
And here's the news (to me). Buttigieg is in Jupiter! Trump is also in Jupiter, a Grand Jupiter Trine. I believe only someone else in Jupiter can beat him. Pete has a completely positive chart with predictive Venus sitting on his natal Sun which will make people fall in love with him.
I also like Bloomberg, because money speaks volumes. But I was looking at his chart yesterday and just feeling depressed. He doesn't have the chart to beat Trump. Bernie has a death chart. It's going to be a miracle if he makes it to the election. He should be home taking care of himself. Why isn't he releasing his medical records? I thought, we don't have a viable candidate.
Buttigieg is still gay. But Obama was black. Don't underestimate the American people to pick the best person for the job. If we don't get this election right, in four years we may not be having elections. Buttigieg is young, he is normal, he has served his country, and he's in a loving relationship. We can handle this. I predict we will. I predict Pete Buttigieg will be our next president. In the midst of all this craziness, we need someone sane. And he's already proving it in two states, Iowa and New Hampshire. Let's see what happens in Nevada. I'm excited for the first time in this contest. I have hope. We can be saved. The Democrats have a candidate that isn't falling apart (Kamala) or entering too late (Steyer). Oh, and just as a little more motivation to vote for Buttigieg. He will be in Jupiter all four years unlike Obama who went out of Jupiter six months in.
Please contact melanie@xtrology for a private reading. Three times you must have a reading: getting married, your birthday and the first of the year. So shoot me an email. I love answering questions. Also visit Xtrology on Facebook and Twitter. On Instagram, it's xtrology_of_hollywood.