What is an eclipse? Not the part about the Moon covering the Sun. No, the part about what happens to you. And things do!
First is it Solar or Lunar? This one is Solar which means it happens on a New Moon. How long does its influence last? For me it is always one, maybe even two weeks, before or after. What degree and sign is it? Taurus and 19 degrees. I use orbs of four so that would be planets within 15-23 degrees of Taurus and it's opposite Scorpio. It will affect you according to the planet it hits and the house it falls in. Look for the definition of the planet and the house and combine the two.
If the eclipse touches you, you can expect a loss. Yes, they are always negative if they conjunct or oppose. It won't be a great loss, but you won't like it either. The moon is the fastest of all the planets. The rule in astrology is the faster the transit, the less important. But eclipses so create events because it heightens the effects of the Moon. So bad things have happened -- little bad things -- not tragedies. An eclipse can push you over a cliff if you're tottering on one.
For more information see my other blogs on eclipses:Â THE STORY OF AN ECLIPSE and HOW AN ECLIPSE REALLY WORKS. And to read about the latest accusation regarding Michael Jackson TOLD YOU SO! MICHAEL JACKSON. After opening a link, if you click on XTROLOGY at the top of the page, you'll have access to all my blogs.
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