A new moon solar eclipse in the sign of Virgo might just remind you that exercise is part of being healthy. It may cause you to think about your health, possibly through a event that "eclipses" you -- takes away your health. I just got a summer cold in the 100 degree heat. That's what eclipses do. They take away to point out certain defects in your current situation. I used a homeopathic "cure" and it did relieve me of my symptoms making it much easier to manage. So I will always have this medicine on hand. You may have a similar result. At the last minute (eclipse) you may realize you don't fit in your swimsuit. Again, you're unhappy, it's not the end of the world, but you make a promise to yourself to do better in the future.
Here's hoping you use this eclipse to stop smoking, start taking vitamins or as I mentioned earlier -- just get in more exercise -- any act that makes you healthier.
And don't forget pets which are ruled by Virgo. Check on them. Make sure they are taken care of.
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