Barack Obama became president because he had a Jupiter progression, progressed Sun trine an out-of-sign progressed Jupiter. Doesn't get any better than that. It lasted from March 2007 to March 2009, because the Sun is the only planet that moves exactly one degree a year.
As often happens, after a progression to progressed Jupiter, there will be the same progression to natal Jupiter (or vice versa). So Obama will get this progression back in September of 2o10, progressed Sun trine natal Jupiter. The transiting Jupiter will be in his 2nd House Money or Things You Value and will conjunct Uranus (sudden events). Something is going to happen that will renew his popularity. But what?
Let's add in the fact that The United States also has a progressed Jupiter aspect. One problem we confront with the U.S. chart is that no one knows for sure when the constitution was signed. And the time can change the beginning of this progression by six months. So using the Sibley chart, it's already started. Using the Gemini rising chart, it's in April, progressed Sun trine natal Jupiter. I'm looking forward to something big happening. But what?
I would love to tell you I know the answer. But I don't. So here is the information, and you can help me determine the result. From here on, it's a matter of logic.
Obama's Honolulu chart (it doesn't matter where he was born, except to astrology. The majority of people elected him. He's president. End of that story) has the progressed Sun in Libra (diplomatic relations) in the 8th House of Other People's Money. That could easily be the money of the United States. It's money that isn't his. Jupiter is in the 12th House of Karma, Behind The Scenes, Hidden Enemies. This is where I'm getting stuck, but I will give you a possible scenario later. It's in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius.
For the United States, I'm going to use the Sibley chart. So keep in mind, this chart could be wrong. In this chart the progressed Sun is in the 3rd House of Communications in the sign of Pisces (compassion). Natal Jupiter is in the 7th House (Libra's natural house) of Partnerships in the sign of Cancer (home and family).
Here's one possible scenario. Kim Jung-il, President of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, dies in 2010. Neither his son or brother-in-law succeeds him as has been assumed. His already crumbling ideology and the antiquated and corrupt system of Juche will fail rendering the regime powerless. There will be civil unrest.
The Korean Workers' Party will scramble to form a group collective leadership. But they will be unable to form a cohesive government. Â As North Korea drifts into chaos, the United States through the United Nations, and with the leadership of our president will act to secure weapons of mass destruction. Because of U.S. involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, China's military will be called upon to restore order and keep a buffer zone. This will upset the South Koreans who will see China as a threat. President Obama will lead the negotiations to restore peace. By the end of next year our president will have unprecedented worldwide popularity. And North Korea will no longer be a nuclear threat to the world.
How did I reach this conclusion? There's a lot of Libra going on. Obama's progressed Sun, the United States natal Jupiter in Libra's House (the 7th), and Libra is the diplomat. Then his progressed Jupiter in the 12th (hidden enemies or weapons) in Aquarius (humanitarian and anything nuclear). And we have Pisces and Cancer (two water signs, compassion). Money or Things We Value figure in with transiting Jupiter in Obama's 2nd and Obama's progressed Sun in the 8th. And don't forget, we're a Cancer country, so we value our family and our homes i.e. protecting them. Communications is highlighted with the U.S. Sun in the 3rd. A transiting Uranus conjunction to Jupiter for the United States could be something sudden or nuclear. And don't forget, it's going to be a good thing.
It's a lot to think about. And as I said, it could be something else. If you have any suggestions, let me know. What I do know is that we're heading towards a big, beneficial event. What is it?