Nadya Suleman's birthday is in question. One with her Sun in Cancer and the other with her Sun in Libra. She listed July 11th, on the birth certificate of her children so I'm going to use that one. Also, nobody loves kids more than Cancer mom's.
Cancer rules the 4th House of Home and Cancer people always have strong ties to their family. Looking at Nadya's apex planets (two planets oppose & the the planet that squares them both is the apex planet), we see that one apex is mutable Venus. This means that she feels unloved and is always seeking satisfaction without contributing a lot. She referred to that quality in interviews as a hole she needed to fill up. She is also a pleasure seeker without a strong need for partners. Although she can appear quite social.
Another apex planet is her cardinal Sun. These people need public recognition to the extent they can be quite willful and stubborn. Her third apex planet is cardinal Saturn which creates enormous ambition often at the expense of others.
Again, Sun square Neptune (delusion) will usually produce someone who is not too attached to the facts of the situation. And a Leo Moon person likes the limelight.
Currently, Nadya has an extremely difficult astrology horoscope with two progressed squares. However, in January of 2010, her progressed Sun will trine Jupiter -- THE GREAT BENEFIC!!! We should see things get a lot better for her then -- much as we see with Kate Gosselin who was born with Jupiter conjunct her Sun. Nadya's will only last two years, but if she handles it correctly, she can create a stable life for herself and her children.