60 MINUTES just did a segment on him. Manny Pacquiao is a seven division world champion, the first boxer in history to win nine world titles in seven different weight divisions. He's won a lot of money. And he's quite the hero in the Philipines where he was born. They worship him and elected him Senator. When he fights the entire county stops to watch.
This Saturday, November 13th, 2010, he will fight Antonio Margarito, and Margarito will win. Pacquiao has been on a Jupiter high, but it's over. And even though, without the time, I can't be sure Margarito has moved into his Jupiter period, Manny has a negative progression that could leave him injured. So I'm betting on Margarito, and you should be, too.
Manny is a tough little cookie with only Pluto as a focal planet, cardinal Pluto. This means that everything for him is about right and wrong. He is intense. And in many ways marches to his own drummer. Strangely, the power of Pluto makes for a good boxer, because of it's intensity and ability to be confrontational. There is a remarkable stuborness to adhere to a philosophy he considers right. Manny learned to fight as a child when he made $2 a fight. The area he grew up in was so poor many children fought each other as a way to make money. But Manny with his single-minded determination, kept going until he reached the top.
He's a Sagittarius which rules the 9th House of Justice. Manny would be a good lawyer. Again, he will fight for what he believes.
His Mars is in the exalted sign of Capricorn so he can keep his energy focused on the task at hand.
Margarito is a Pisces. His two focal planets are the moody Moon and Mars which gives him the determination to keep going. I don't think he has the star power that Manny has, but every dog has his day. It's time for Antonio Margarito to win. Or more important, it's time for Pacquaio to lose.
I would be a lot more comfortable with this prediction if I had the time of birth for these two men, but even with the time, Manny has his progressed Mars conjuncting his progressed Sun. While that could make him very angry, it doesn't necessarily translate into a boxing victory. It's more like the anger causes him to use bad judgment in some way. And, with transiting Pluto sitting on his natal Mars, he really has the possibility of injury looming. It will be interesting to see what happens Saturday night.