I saw an item today about Patrick Dempsey, longtime star of "Grey's Anatomy" possibly getting fired for his diva behavior. Well, let's see...
Patrick Dempsey is a Capricorn with Mercury conjunct. No focal planets. Moon in charming Libra. But his Venus and Mars are conjunct. And in the sign of Aquarius which is a bad, cold, uncaring placement for Venus anyway. And again conjunctions are special. The planets take on the characteristics of the other planets. Which means in this case, his Mars will have Venus or Libra qualities (Venus' ruler) and Mars in Libra is the worst. Absolutely the worst. Run. They will not have your back. They are passive/aggressive to the max. It's in it's detriment. Planets in their detriment behave badly. I, personally, have never found this guy sexy at all. And this is not a sexy placement. Good looking guy, but not sexy. And didn't he marry a much older manager way back when? I'm guessing for the wrong reasons. He would.
And isn't he getting a divorce? Yeah. Kick him to the corner.
So what's his future? With his predictive Sun conjunct Saturn (work), I would not make any bets on his next job.
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