Paula Dean is the queen of southern cooking -- including all that goes with that-- the butter and the calories. With her announcement last week that she has diabetes, people are wondering why she would wait three years to share this with the public. Especially in light of the fact that her food does not fit a diabetic diet. The other little wrinkle in the announcement is that she is going to the representative for a diabetic drug. Will the public resent the fact she's only making this announcement at a time she can benefit from it?
Paula is a Capricorn Sun. She has no focal planets so she is a simple person with simple needs. There are very few squares in her chart, but the ones she has are from Neptune (the planet of deception) to her Capricorn Sun, Mercury and Mars. She's a liar. I'm not even thinking that she did it for the money she's getting from the drug company. I'm thinking that she is just one of those people, and we all know one, that lies, because that's who they are. It's a crutch and coping mechanism she's been using all her life. And you can see what road that leads you down.
Currently her predictive Venus is square her natal Jupiter. People are not going to accept her lame excuse that it took her three years to come to terms with her condition. The public is going to doubt her sunny personality and start seeing it as her phony personality. Even more important is what happens to her astrology chart in one year (approximately I don't have her time of birth) which is predictive Mars square Uranus. That will take her world and turn it upside down. With her health issue, diabetes, and the fact that she smokes, it could very well translate into an extremely undesirable and sudden health problem. Paula Deen needs to get her life under control. Or by this time next year, she will have bigger problems than public acceptance.
And just in general, don't take drugs. They only work on the symptoms. All drugs have side effects. Instead address the cause of the condition. And definitely, don't take a drug that a person who lies is pitching.