The buzz says that Queen Elizabeth will step down at her Diamond Jubilee in 2012 and hand the thrown to her grandson, Prince William. And it's expected that he will marry before then.
So is this going to happen? Picture this: his Cancer Sun natally trines (good) his Scorpio Jupiter (the great benefic). Then in 2011, transiting Neptune will move to Pisces which is the 3rd leg in the Grand Trine. And it just gets better. His progressed Venus moves to the sign of Cancer exactly conjunct his Sun. Wait for it. They are all at 0 degrees!!! This is a progressed Grand Water Trine (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) exact.
Kate Middleton is William's longtime girlfriend. Her astrology chart is quite different. Her progressed Mars is square her Sun. And it stays there for twenty years. This is the most, or maybe the second most, negative aspect anyone can have. If William marries her, he could be repeating what his father did -- marry an unhappy woman.
This is how I see this playing out. Kate has a Cancer Moon and people always feel they have this really great connection with a Sun/Moon conjunction. But it's just not enough. The rest of the chart must fit. Kate's three cardinal focal planets, Mars (energy), Saturn (ambition) and Pluto (right & wrong) are telling her to marry him. William has no focal planets. He's not that complicated. But he has his Mars in Libra which squares Kate's Capricorn Sun. (Mars in one person's chart squaring the Sun in the other is a sure bet for arguing.) Mars in Libra (or the 7th House) is the passive-aggressive Mars. He will punish her without her really knowing it. And she's got a bad chart already. With Kate's Venus in Aquarius, she is going to be completely untrusting and suspicious, possibly with good reason.
If these two marry, it's going to be Charles and Diana all over again.
Prince William will be king. And it's good to be the king. Or is it?
UPDATE: Tina Brown of "The Daily Beast" says that it will be June when the marriage between Prince Edward and Kate Middleton is announced.