Ever wonder why someone is so successful and someone else is not? Okay, Rhianna is beautiful and talented, but is she really the most beautiful and talented or is there an X-factor, like, for example, Xtrology? Oh, yes.
Rhianna is a Pisces Sun with Mercury in Aquarius. She's dreamy, romantic, cares about humanity -- overall a nice girl. But 40 million Twitter followers? There's more to it than that. It isn't her Moon and Venus in Aries. And it isn't her Mars in Sagittarius. With no focal planets, she's simple. It doesn't take a lot to make her happy. So how did Rhianna become Rhianna?
According to Wiki, "In late 2004, her four-song demo tape was distributed to several labels, including Def Jam Recordings." Also in late 2004 her natal Jupiter changed signs (which allows it to make aspects) and trined her low degree Neptune and Uranus! And the magic started happening. She's 100% a result of Jupiter. It's all long term luck. Most of us will get it at some time in our lives -- and not everyone makes it work on this level. But you won't have this success without it.
The key -- positioning yourself so that when it does come, you're ready to take advantage of it. But first it helps to know when it is.
But like most mortals, Rhianna will lose this favorable long term Jupiter. The pendulum always swings. Hers will adjust November 27, 2016 when once again those two conjunct planets will get hit. This time by the predictive Sun, and this time in a negative aspect -- the dreaded square. Her life will take a turn for the worse then, and she won't see it coming. This is her normal state -- for everything to go her way. It's very difficult when the energy changes and there is bad news.
It is possible to ride through these negative aspects. Although a negative event usually will happen. But that is the nature of life, the ups and downs. It's just that when you don't see it coming, it can be shocking.
For a private consultation, contact melanie@xtrology.com. And please visit Xtrology on Twitter, Facebook and Google+. Also watch for impersonators -- so many now!