#RobKardashian just came out on Twitter with the quote, "“This is my sister kim, the bitch from Gone Girl…” And he posted a picture of #RosamundPike in bloody lingerie. If you know the story of "Gone Girl" then you know the woman in the story is a complete psycho.
Rob is a gentle-hearted Pisces who seems to have had enough with all the Hollywood glitter and the massive amounts of money spent on such things as Kim and Kanye's wedding. His Moon is in Libra so it's unusual for someone like him to make these over-the-top statements. Rob has one of the hardest focal planets to deal with, focal fixed Venus. It's the I'm not loved or lovable one. So he has his own issues, and they've shown up in a great deal of excess poundage. He tends to be very fixed in his opinions and really doesn't care much for compromise. He will also tend to emotionally hang on to a relationship that is frustrating rather than risk the fear of initiating a new one. He prefers things to come to him with little effort.
The good news? He's in positive Jupiter. So he can get a grip on his insecurity and get back to a place he likes himself better. The bad aspects remain, but he's protected. And this explains his lack of fascination with his sister. He has predictive Venus square natal Saturn. He's unhappy with loved ones. and he has predictive Sun opposition Moon. His feelings are hurt. Now has the strength to voice his opinions. So he is. And how. #optout
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