Prince William and Kate Middleton have picked a very interesting date astrologically to get hitched. On April 29, 2011, there are five planets in Aries: Uranus, Venus, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter. The Sun in Taurus is conjunct these planets. The only planets not in this fan are Saturn in Libra opposing all the Aries planets and Pluto in Capricorn squaring (by sign) all the Aries planets. Then there is Neptune in Pisces where you also find the Moon.
I wouldn't pick a date with all these squares to Pluto, because Pluto is power. That can be a clash of wills. This chart, called an event chart, is still an important element in the William and Kate scenario. With their already shaky combined charts, I would make the marriage chart the best it could be. Clearly they are not using an astrologer.
Since I assume they have some control over the time, I would place all the bunched up planets in the angular 10th House of Career. However that puts Saturn in the 4th House of Home. The time would be 10:00 am London time.
By picking the 7th House of Marriage not all the planets will fall in one house. It would be the 7th and 8th House of Other People's Money which is appropriate. Or the 6th House of Work. The former time would be 4:00 pm London time leaving only the Sun in the 8th. I would pick this even with Pluto falling in the 4th House of Home. You would read this chart just like a person with the emphasis on partners and marriage. That would help their union.
The 6th House of Work would require the time to be moved to 6:00 pm London time. But this would move Pluto out of the 4th House of Home into the 3rd House of Communication.
It's just not a chart an astrologer would pick. It's not a good marriage chart. If the chart is difficult, the prognosis for the marriage would be difficulty.