I was watching DWTS last night, and there's no doubt Rumor Willis has come alive. She danced like a dream in a take off on "Swan Lake." It was mesmerizing. So, of course, she is in the fortunate Jupiter period using the Xtrology method of prediction. And there's a really good chance (unless some else has it, too) she will win the whole thing.
But here's what I thought was even more interesting. She was called out for being ugly at a young age. I think she's unusual looking, but never would I call her ugly. Frankly there are much uglier people out there. So I started to dig. Why did this happen to her?
Rumer is a Leo (love of the limelight) with a rare Grand Cardinal square. And because her natal Mercury is in Virgo as it made it's progression, it moved to (the next sign) Libra where it would square Neptune/Venus and then oppose Mars. This would start when she was nineteen years old until the middle of 2012 and last until she was twenty-three. Mercury I'm finding more and more is your reputation. Squared by Neptune the information will be wrong. Squared by Venus you won't be seen as beautiful. And opposed by Mars, well, it gets nasty and mean.
But how fortunes change! Rumer now has predictive Venus sextiling Jupiter and the beauty inside her (all along) has a chance to show itself. The lesson is whatever your current demons are, those, too, will pass.
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