Really? You vandalized a gas station in Brazil and then said you were held up after winning a medal at the Rio Olympics? Are you kidding? What kind of a person is Ryan Lochte? Xtrology knows.
He's a Leo Sun conjunct Venus which accounts for his good looks. But it sort of ends there. His Mercury is in its rulership in Virgo, but it squares his Neptune. So he lies. Also he has the worst of the worst Moon placements with his in Scorpio and then Saturn conjuncting it. That makes it a Scorpio/Capricorn Moon in its fall and detriment. This is not a good guy. Not the kind of person we want to look up to as Olympians. With another planet in Scorpio, Mars, his Sun is getting squared by all. So none are working optimally. I'm not a big fan.
Ryan's predictive Mars is conjunct his predictive/natal Uranus. This translates to trouble with friends which Uranus rules and events out-of-the-blue. It also is happening in his 2nd House of Money so his bottom line will also be hurt. In addition, he also has predictive Venus square Jupiter. This is overdoing and Venus to some extent is how much the public loves you. Negatory possibly far into the future. He was representing all Americans. Not cool at all.
For a private consultation, contact melanie@xtrology.com. And please visit Xtrology on Facebook and Twitter.
UPDATE: From THEDAILYMAIL, "It was a difficult day for Lochte, who was dropped by all four of his major sponsors in the wake of his Rio scandal."