I never tire of listening to Dr. Phil's psychobabble. If it were up to him all psychology would be a reality TV show. Watching an OPRAH rerun, I heard him tell Sarah Ferguson that she was addicted to people pleasing. There's only one thing wrong with that. No one's ever pleased with her. Recently she got caught trying to sell out her former husband, Prince Andrew. To me that was all about money and had nothing to do with making any one happy.
Xtrology predicted that Sarah would be successful during this time due to a positive Jupiter progression. Most of the time, people will behave during this aspect because it also breeds confidence. And when someone doesn't, they just aren't very nice people. If you can't behave yourself when the world is at your feet, psychopathology may apply.
Sarah is a Libra with Mars in Libra. The positive side of Libra is that they are perennially pleasant. The negative side is that they are passive aggressive, especially Mars in its detriment here. For Sarah, embarrassing the Royal Family is just another day's work. It's the unrelenting feeling that she is never getting her share. So she sabotages the people around her. That's the thing she isn't being honest about. She gets a kick out of it. She can't help herself, because as Dr. Phil says, "How's that working for you?" It's working just fine -- more joy than pain. She's addicted to hurting people. If you have a Libra in your life (especially Libra in Mars), see if you notice this quality in them, because they all do it to some degree or another. Just like Scorpio, it's the revenge factor -- just exacting it in another less obvious manner.
Currently Sarah has progressed Mars conjunct Jupiter and progressed Sun conjunct progressed Jupiter. The money and the attention will continue for at least another year (and longer since Jupiter really lasts until your next bad aspect). With her progressed Venus conjunct Mars, I would have thought she'd find love during this period. And she would if she wanted it. Watch for her to crash and burn in four years when her progressed Mars squares Pluto. Until then, enlightened people (who are not quick to jump on board because of her current popularity) will have to swallow this mountain of selfishness. As far as FINDING SARAH, I wish we could lose her.