The Michael Jackson family is in the news again. It's going to be a big showdown -- $1 billion is at stake and you know what happens when money is involved. It gets nasty. On one side we have Randy, Janet and Jermaine. The only side is Marlon, Jackie, Tito and Tito's son T.J. The winner will be -- the one Paris Jackson (one of Michael's three children) chooses. And I'll tell you why.
Paris is an Aries with Sun, Mercury, Mars and Saturn there with all placed in the 12th House of Pisces. And with the Moon in the water sign of Cancer, square in those Aries planets, she's super-emotional. And she's had enough. Children don't usually have predictive aspects as they take time to develop, but at the age of 12, when Paris' father died, she had predictive Mars square natal Neptune -- violence, drugs and deceit. And she's still got it. So she's not happy. But by December, she'll be back on her 'emotional' feet so to speak when her predictive Venus conjuncts Jupiter. And Paris will be in charge. Her vote will be the only vote that counts.
My predictive advice: Be nice to billionairess, Paris.
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