I have a relationship, IF?YOU?CAN CALL?IT?THAT, where he has a Scorpio Moon and I have a Scorpio Venus. That's a mutual reception, His on mine, mine on his. And while we are not Scorpio, this super sign (ruled by the most powerful planet, Pluto) is causing a lot of power plays. Because Scorpio is always about control. And it can get ugly no matter which one of your personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus & Mars) it occupies. And definitely don't leave out the rising sign (ascendant) where all signs show their worst qualities.
Scorpio/Pluto/8th House can be mean and devious. Revenge is never far out of the picture. Don't do Scorpio wrong and expect to get out alive. They remember, and they return. Secretive? You may not even know the anger exists. Oh yeah. It's all about the anger. The Sun -- angry with the world. The Moon -- angry emotions. Mercury -- angry way of communicating. Venus -- angry about who loves you and who doesn't and if it's enough. Mars -- just freaking angry. Rising sign? Would just as soon step on you as step over you.
Determined? Not more so than Aries, but more willful. Less ability (it's a fixed sign) to go with the flow. So why deal with these vengeful, manipulating people? They're intense. And if you're looking to dive below the surface so far you can't breathe, pick Scorpio. It's to hell and back. It's kill or be killed. But that's the point. Isn't it? You wouldn't be messing with the sting of the Scorpion if you didn't want to feel its passion and power.
Here's a message from Donna Cunningham the High Priestess of Pluto, "Recognize and accept that they do not trust you. ...they have all had repeated betrayals of trust."
And if you get stung too much? You'll know better next time. It's not for everyone. Can you handle it? Ask yourself that before you leap off the highest building in the zodiac.
For private consultations, it's The new year is an excellent time to map out your future. Friend me on Facebook, "lovinglymelanie." And don't forget Xtrology on Facebook and Twitter.