Scott Weiland was lead singer for STONE TEMPLE PILOT, VELVET REVOLVER and currently WILDABOUTS, but his drug habit followed him everywhere until last night. Because he died. Can you see this in an astrology chart? Yes. I've said this before. You can get away with a lot until your astrology chart turns negative and then you pay -- on some level. You don't have to die, but you can. You need to know when those negative times are coming up, and for everyone's sake, clean up your act during that time if no other. All the rehabs weren't as important as this one would have been. Because while Pluto can kill you, it can also raise you from the ashes and you are reborn. It's a double-edged sword.
Scott was a Scorpio, the sign that rules death. Often Scorpio people see an unusual amount of it in their lifetime. His Mercury and Neptune were in that sign also. That makes Neptune conjunct his Sun. Pisces (Neptune's sign) rules drugs. There's no other Pisces in his chart, but Neptune conjunct Sun lends that Pisces flavor. And I don't have his time, so he could have Pisces rising. His Moon is in the show-biz sign of Leo, and his Mars is in exalted Capricorn. No focal planets. But also no air signs. That's a little surprising since we would think that a rock star would be flying around with no connection to earth. Not this guy. He was very materially oriented. Another reason we would expect him to stick around and not risk his life. Additions are a bitch. And we don't know his full story. There was a lot of pain there.
At the time of his death, Scott's progressed Sun was square (the most difficult angle) his natal Pluto (yes, as ruler of Scorpio it also rules the end of your life). So he definitely had aspects that would allow him to die. This was a dangerous time for him. This was the time that his bad habits would no longer be tolerated by the Universe. Rest in peace, Scott.
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