I'm taking a little time off to rev things up a bit. I plan to move to Substack where I will be posting regularly while also updating my office for new clients. I'm predicting big changes for me and you and the world in the post-pandemic climate. Big Pharma is going to be called out for regularly killing people with unnecessary drugs. The trend will be towards health of the nutrition variety. Getting old will be a thing of the past. You will be young and vital until your body just wears itself out. That's my goal for 2022 -- to be part of that movement. But in the meantime, I have to comment on a passion I have -- Sex and The City.
If anyone thinks that you can keep a man with covert narcissism and high demand avoidance around for 20 years, then you're living on another planet. The only possibility was that Carrie, the central character, learned to live with his constant need for pain at her expense. After all, Sex and The City for six seasons was about Big's personality disordered need to keep her off balance. So assuming that she acquiesced, couldn't they have killed him off a year before? A few flashbacks would have sufficed. Instead the first two episodes are just depressing, and they serve no point to the story line. Carrie needs to be single again so that there is sex in The City. I get that. Especially with the absence of the Samatha character, who was my least favorite, but she did really epitomize the theme of the series.
Now we are left with two married characters and one widowed. Miranda can't handle going back for her Masters degree after being a partner in a big New York law firm. She bungles around trying to be woke during her first college class. There is no possibility that someone in her position hasn't conquered that. Remember her gorgeous black boyfriend? Patrick Michael King is trying to kiss the ass of the critics that believe there wasn't enough diversity in the first six seasons. I disagree. Four white woman can be friends particularly during the time the series originated. However, I do love the new castmates. In fact while the girls are pretty pathetic, the new additions are quite interesting and authentic and should try to spin their way out of this show asap.
Then there is Charlotte who got her big dream of having a rich husband and a family but still can't control her emotions. Really? I don't remember her temperament being that delicate? When Charlotte wanted to be married to a Jew, she took no prisoners. She became a Jew. When she wanted children, she tried everything including the adoption of a Mandarin child. Nothing deterred her. This girl is tough and gritty. And we loved her for that. The crying? That's not the Charlotte I remember.
Carrie is working at a podcast which isn't even her podcast? She gets lectured by her non-binary boss about being sexually uncomfortable. She became famous writing a sex column? Mr. Big masterbating? I'm totally onboard with that. However, it's too little too late. For him. Ha!
But here's my biggest complaint. I'm a Sex and The City scholar. I can almost recite all the lines from all four characters over the entire series. I love the dialogue. It was fluid like a really nice prose poem. The acting was effectless. Nothing was wasted. If a plot line was brought up, it got tied in before the end of each episode. It was wickedly clever while easily tackling every problem you have ever had on a bad date. What I just saw was cringe worthy. In the first scene Sarah has so many extensions in her hair, she looks like a drag queen. The waitress says her table is ready, she throws her hands into the air twice. Because the waitress says the table is ready?
The whole aging thing is great. But if you choose not to look like a mannequin, you can't wear the clothes of a teenage girl without looking ridiculous. It reads just wrong. Miranda goes to class in heels and a skirt. I thought she was teaching the class. But teachers don't wear those clothes either. I went back to college in my fifties and my entire wardrobe consisted of three pairs of jeans. It's out of touch. There is a discussion about gray hair, but Miranda's hair looks blonde to me.
I wanted these girls to grow up and show us what fifty looks like when you're hip and trendy and living in Manhattan. The scene I liked the best was the funeral - all white and terribly chic with only one casket spray of flowers. The clean straight lines were inspirational even if all the credit went to Carrie who Stanford called the new Jackie Kennedy? Carrie was always a bit bohemian and eccentric. And quite prone to falling apart. What happened that changed her? Nothing. This entire ride is uneven and unexplainable. These are not the girls whose every spoken word I can repeat.
Just to jump back to Xtrology for a minute. I always see Carrie as pioneering Aries. Miranda as a career driven Capricorn. Of course, Samantha is Scorpio, Scorpio Moon, Scorpio rising. You know the drill. And Charlotte with her love of beauty and relationships, a Libra. But here's the problem with that. Aries doesn't get along well with Capricorn and Miranda is really Carrie's closest friend. So I'm going to say Carrie is a Sagittarius. She also says over and over, "I would never to that to you" which I say over and over!
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