I'm not much of a transit girl since they don't do much, but today is a very special day. If transits are ever going to cause a commotion, it will be around this time (as the outer planets stay for awhile). Today we have Jupiter conjunct Mars (and Mercury out of orb) and opposition Pluto. Squaring this is Uranus conjunct Moon -- all in cardinal signs. This will affect people that have planets in cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) at 9 degrees (or around that degree). You're getting clobbered.
Here's what you might expect. It will be sudden (Uranus). It will be profound (Pluto). It will be money, the law, your social life (Jupiter). And throw in a car problem (Mars) or two and the Moon (your mood). Great care and caution could ameliorate the danger. But do be very careful. It is prudent to check your personal astrology chart or hide under the covers.
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