Twenty years. This is the worst transit I've ever seen. Three outer planets are squaring each other and then a couple of personal planets join in. It started around August, but it really hits it's stride next year. So if you are one of the people (a personal planet at 9-15 degrees of a cardinal sign) that has gotten some bad news recently, chances are really good, you will also participate in the next whirlwind -- keeping in mind some of these aspects are in play now -- just not at the extreme they will be later.
Same definition. It will be sudden (Uranus). It will be profound (Pluto). It will be money, the law, your social life (Jupiter). And throw in a car or anger problem (Mars) or two and the Moon (your emotions).
Monitor areas where you are vulnerable. They will be the hardest hit. If money is tight, it could get tighter. If you have a romantic situation that is just barely hanging on, it could be that. If you are in any kind of altercation, you want to hope your opponent is experiencing this aspect, too. Because Mars participates in the two really ugly Bite Me transits coming up, make sure you have insurance and your car is serviced -- only if you are one of the people being hit. And most surely if you also have a negative predictive aspect. Look to your predictive aspect for the event that will happen. Then the transits act like triggers. Homes have been lost, teeth have been broken, car accidents and not the least of which is death have already happened. Keep in mind most people will be immune to this. It only affects a small portion of people. But you probably know someone who isn't happy right now.
This is what is coming up. January 2014 will see the cardinal planets coming back together again starting with Pluto, Mars and the Moon the first week. Then Pluto, Jupiter Venus and the Moon towards the end of the month.
February gives us Pluto, Jupiter, Venus (people you love) and the Moon with Venus going out of orb the second half of the month, but Uranus coming back in.
All of March is Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter. Off and on, there will be the Moon.
And here's the big bang. April 20th, Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter, Mars and the Moon. To recap:Â Pluto/Moon in Capricorn squares Uranus in Aries and Mars in Libra and opposes Jupiter in Cancer. THAT'S A GRAND SQUARE or GRAND CROSS.
Then again on April 27 Pluto in Capricorn square Uranus/Moon in Aries and Mars in Libra and opposes Jupiter in Cancer. ANOTHER GRAND SQUARE.
Then the synergistic effect is over. Some of the planets stick around at these degrees, but it is the close contact that creates such potential for destruction. Most always you will have a square or opposition from the transits in your chart. That, in itself, isn't really a great cause for concern.
I will give you a brief personal consultation ($25 through PayPal) as to what to expect during this time. If it does affect you, it is good to know. There are precautions you can take. Contact me at with your name, birth date, time of birth and place of birth. You can either PayPal up front, or I will request payment. Then you will have several different options.
And visit Xtrology on Facebook and Twitter.