I am trying to understand why so many women are vying over this man, Gerry Turner, who is the first Golden Bachelor — except for the part about the media attention and the money. But seriously how hard is it to pretend he is anything but seriously creepy. Crying about hurting to two women he lied to? Lying generally doesn’t produce good results. But if anyone would get off on this, it’s a man with a Venus/Mars conjunction.
Here’s why. When a planet is next to another planet, it takes on characteristics of the planet it conjuncts. So Venus is Libra. One is the planet. The other the sign. Libra next to Mars — same as Mars in Libra — which is the most passive/aggressive of all the aspects you will find in a chart. And a definite red flag. Just no way. And if anyone will get a kick in tormenting two people at once, it’s Mars in Libra. Truly evil.
Also Venus/Mars conjunct has a definition that is quite discouraging. It’s a push/pull aspect. And it creates a person who is either not interested in relationships, gay, or seriously kinky. Instead of sexy, they often appear goofy. Very often these people weren’t popular in high school no matter how gorgeous they are. They are generally socially very awkward. They probably didn’t date until much later in their lives. They do often marry, but due to their lack of interest it rarely works out. They are role players at best and fakers at worst. The men are really not capable of the passion that women demand. So you get someone doing all the right things, but with no emotion. You never know where you stand, because you don’t really count much.
With four planets in Libra, a stellium, he’s, of course, charming. Libra is. It’s their super power. But to me, he comes off more fake than anything. He will always say what he needs to say with little or no real substance behind it. So the crying and asking himself why he told two women he loved them at the same time and how he regrets it — not buying that for a minute. What a freak. And a mean one, too.
Then just to make it worse, his progressed Venus is square Pluto. There’s nothing romantic about that aspect. That’s a time in someone’s life where relationships aren’t a top priority or someone you love dies (Pluto) — which I guess did happen in 2017. His wife died of a bacterial infection. I don’t want to go too deep or sound too crazy, but the dream house they just built doesn’t seem to be a priority with his wife. She exited just before they moved into it. And that means something. When you really want it, you show up for it. Even that, for me, is a red flag. What was happening that seemed totally normal that the wife knew wasn’t? “I think (Toni) would totally be in favor of what I'm doing." Yeah, glad it’s somebody else and not her.
Mars in Libra doesn’t like to share. I’ve seen this many times before. They are not generous. Not at all. They will do all sorts of things not to please their partner, because pleasing people is anti to their agenda. These are deeply angry people completely unwilling to allow it to bubble up. It’s also entirely possible the wife had very little to say about this house. It was his house in his mind — not hers. And she knew it and felt every painful minute of it (disguised as a physical illness).
Coming is predictive Sun square Jupiter. I’m wondering if the money thing is quite as stable as he is leading us to believe. My guess, we’re going to see a lot more of him on game shows or whatever he can do to keep the money flowing and stay in the public. Mars in Libra is also quite adept at lying.
Finally he has predictive Mars going to conjunct his Neptune in four years so if nothing else takes him down, this may very well be the time. At a certain age, it is almost always a health issue. But there are other unpleasant things it could be.
There is not a single long term good aspect in this chart and definitely no love. Whoever he picks, it won’t work out. Each and every one of those women dodged a bullet although it is possible it will take some time to realize it. Transiting Jupiter is on his Moon because something had to account for his current gig. It doesn’t last that long, but I have seen it produce some really nice but fleeting results.
Never forget that Hollywood is all glitter. Not real. If you sign up for it, know that it has a lot of potential to leave you and the people watching this show feeling empty.
For your own private consultation, please contact melanie@xtrology.com. But if you really want to get ahold of me text/call 323 640-8660. And please visit Xtrology on Facebook and X where I post the Moon’s aspects every single day. And don’t forget an Xtrology reading is a great Christmas/holiday gift. It gives you insights to what the new year will bring. Very thoughtful.