I watched the first episode of The Idol last night with my IPA beer in my hand ready for some wild sex. But instead, I was caught in a web of intrigue. Who is this person called The Weeknd? Is he creepy?
The story is Executive Produced by Abel Makkonen Tesfaye, The Weeknd. And not surprising when you look at his videos. He clearly has a sex agenda.
Abel is an Aquarius, my favorite sign because it has the highest most noble aspirations. Generally this creates a decent person. But the Scorpio Moon conjunct Pluto? Now it’s getting interesting. Troubled, sex obsessed, ruthless, revengeful, control freak. My kind of guy. You know, a bad boy with a spiritual bent.
It doesn’t stop there though. He is one of those people from the 90’s that has a ton of planets in Capricorn. So that Aquarius Sun gets squashed a bit in favor of all out ambition at any price. This is probably the most difficult configuration to understand in all of astrology. We call four planets in the same sign a stellium. He has five: Venus/Mars/Saturn/Uranus/Neptune. What happens is that each planet’s qualities influence each of the planets in the same sign. Like his Venus in Capricorn has Neptune/Pisces qualities. No one will ever love you quite like Venus in Pisces. Exponentially complicated.
This also creates a Venus/Mars conjunction — the most sexually screwed up people on the planet. It’s a push/pull thing. Sometimes they like women. Sometimes they like men. Sometimes they like both. Most of the time, they just don’t care. Frustrating? Totally.
Also when Mars conjuncts outer malefic planets, you often find a mean person. Abel’s conjuncts Saturn/Uranus/Neptune.
And finally, he has Cancer rising — one of my least favorite due to the unrelenting belief that everyone has it better than you - the hidden whine. So while Aquarius is the only sign of the twelve that isn’t jealous, Cancer rising takes it to a cloying art form.
Who is this guy? It isn’t difficult to believe he can command a room or a stadium or the screen on your TV. He’s mesmerizing. And horrible. And compelling. And awful. He’s going to take you on a ride that you’ve never been on before. He’s a formidable challenge. But unless you are a total masochist, pass. Getting caught in his world? Not many can handle it.
The Idol itself has been called formulaic. And so far that’s true. But it is Hollywood in all it’s glory. These people really exist. And worse. You want to be them. The glamour. The beauty. The money. The fun. And don’t forget the dogged perseverance — more important than their own emotional or physical safety. Bottom line? These powerbrokers would ask you — how do you live without it?
For your own private Xtrology session, please call/text Melanie at 323 640-8660. You can email me at melanie@xtrology.com. Also please visit Xtrology and/or lovinglymelanie on Facebook. For Twitter, it’s melanieofhollywood and/or Xtrology where I tweet the Moon’s aspects everyday. Instagram it’s xtrology_of_hollywood.